METRO PROPERTIES and Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf initiate first online participation process for possible urban development at METRO Campus

19 June 2020Download

METRO PROPERTIES and the Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf are jointly investigating urban development potentials for sections of the existing METRO Campus. The citizens are invited to contribute their ideas as part of the planning process. The period for public input opens on 20 June 2020 and runs until 18 July 2020.

METRO Campus in Düsseldorf - Project Area

In cooperation with the Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, METRO PROPERTIES, the real estate company of METRO AG, is holding a 2-phase urban design competition for sections of today’s METRO Campus. The competition is intended to generate flexible, robust concepts for the site’s urban design and open-space planning.

‘The METRO Campus is an institution that has evolved in Düsseldorf’s Flingern district over the years and is integrated in an upscale urban environment,’ says Jean-Christophe Bretxa, CEO of METRO PROPERTIES. ‘However, from an urban design perspective, the Campus possesses additional development potential. Together with the city of Düsseldorf and with you, we seek to develop ideas for the integration of living and working space, retail, restaurants, leisure and local recreation in the design of the METRO Campus of the future, in order to create a diversified and lively urban district in the heart of the Düsseldorf metropolitan region. We look forward to the dialogue with the citizens of the Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf.’

Cornelia Zuschke, Chief Officer for Planning, Construction, Mobility and Real Estate of the Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, elaborates: ‘With the possible move of the METRO wholesale store, the next major restructuring process after Grafental is now set to begin for Flingern. So it is especially important to us to prepare the process with the greatest care and the utmost transparency, to achieve the goal of an innovative, sustainable and creative urban district. In this preliminary phase before the actual launch of the project, the citizens of Düsseldorf have a valuable opportunity to help to shape a large piece of this area’s future. Please join us and contribute your ideas!’

The results of the urban design competition are meant to lay the cornerstone for the further development of the METRO Campus. Whether a project of this kind will be realised is yet to be determined. The Management Board of METRO AG will reach a decision on this matter in 2022 at the earliest. The premise for any decision is that Düsseldorf will remain the location for an attractive flagship store.

The buildings of the METRO AG corporate headquarters and of the METRO service companies will be preserved in the framework of the overall project development and integrated in the development concept. From today’s perspective, the earliest possible realisation of the project would be in 2026.

For further information on the public participation process, please go to:

METRO PROPERTIES is the real estate company of METRO AG, a leading international wholesale and food expert, operating in 34 countries and employing more than 100,000 people worldwide. The real estate company combines comprehensive wholesale and retail competence, highly developed real estate expertise and implementation capability. METRO PROPERTIES collaborates with local communities, business partners and selected investors to develop innovative and sustainable wholesale, retail and mixed-use concepts. On both the national and international level, METRO PROPERTIES pursues active and value-enhancing asset management. Business partners and customers receive competent support worldwide. Apart from its headquarters in Germany, the company has operations in Poland and Turkey. In other countries, the company is represented by regional management and the METRO team.